An ElectionSmith Exclusive: Florida’s Latest Party & Race/Ethnicity & Age Turnout Figures (as of this morning)

As of this morning, some 3.23m of the state’s 12.7m active registered voters have cast Vote-by-Mail or Early In-Person ballots in Florida. So, 25.5% of active voters on the rolls have already turned out to vote in the Sunshine State.

Here are the partisan and demographic breakdowns.


Party Turnout

29.4% of 4.5m active registered Republicans have voted.

27.0% of 4.8m active registered Democrats have voted.

17.6% of 3.0m active registered No Party Affiliates have voted.


Racial/Ethnic Turnout

28.1% of 8.2m active registered Whites have voted.

20.6% of 1.7m active registered Blacks have voted.

21.4% of 2.0m active registered Hispanics have voted.


Age Turnout

41% of the 4.5m voters 60 and older have voted.

25.6% of the 3.3m voters 45-59 have voted.

14.7% of the 2.3m voters 30-44 have voted.

9.5% of the 2.0m voters 18-29 have voted.


Still lots of voting to come, including EIP happening today and tomorrow.